College Success for Healthcare (CSFH)

The purpose of the College Success for Healthcare course is to help students who want to major in Nursing & Allied Health at South Texas College. This course gives students the information and skills they need to succeed and graduate from the college's tough healthcare programs.

In this class, students learn about the challenging world of healthcare education and what it takes to become a successful nurse or other type of health professional.

The course covers the basics of healthcare and shows students the different career paths they can take at South Texas College. Students also get to evaluate their own attitudes, perceptions, and expectations about healthcare.

The College Success for Healthcare course provides up-to-date and accurate advice about the requirements for all Nursing & Allied Health majors.

Features of the CSFH Course

Nursing and Allied Health Program Presentations

In each section of CSFH, NAH program instructors, program chairs and/or program advisors present their programs, entrance requirements, and academic expectations.

Clinical Affairs Presentations

The Nursing and Allied Health Clinical Affairs Specialist gives presentations in all CSFH classes. They inform students about vaccinations, criminal background checks, and drug testing. For more information, contact the Clinical Affairs Specialist at

NAH Campus Resources

Healthcare campus librarians teach students about specialized resources and valid healthcare research methods and sources.

Healthcare Teamwork

Healthcare teamwork is taught and encouraged through healthcare-based assignments throughout the semester.

Benefits for CSFH Students

Selective Entrance Program Application Points

Program Grade Awarded
Vocational Nursing A 3
B 2
Associate Degree Nursing A 1
B 0.5
Respitatory Therapy A 2
B 1
Occupational Assistant A 1
B 0.5
Physical Therapy Assistant A 1
B 0.5
Diagnostic Medical Sonography A 2
B 1
Radiologic Technology A 2
B 1

Early Orientation to Rigorous Healthcare Programs Expectations

Every Program Chair at South Texas College's Nursing and Allied Health division recommends the College Success for Healthcare course for all students pursuing a healthcare career.

They believe that students who understand the level of commitment and academic expectations in these programs will be more successful in healthcare careers. These students can also share this information with their support teams, including partners, families, employers, friends, and others who are committed to helping them succeed in the NAH programs.

CSFH Course Content

Students in the College Success for Healthcare (CSFH) course have access to many activities and resources, including:

  • Early Contact with Program Chairs and Staff: Meet and talk with program leaders early on and connect with a program specific advisor for advice tailored to your specific healthcare program.
  • Program-Specific Academic guidance: Get guidance about your career and other career choices.
  • Instructor Availability and Access: Easily reach out to healthcare instructors for help.
  • Interaction with Current Healthcare Students: Connect with students already in healthcare programs.
  • Familiarity with the Nursing & Allied Health Campus: Get to know the campus and its facilities.
  • Health Career Discovery and Assessment: Explore and assess different healthcare careers.
  • Critical Thinking Skills: Develop critical thinking skills needed for healthcare.
  • Healthcare Research Resources: Learn about reliable healthcare research methods and sources.
  • Healthcare Professions Textbook: Use a textbook focused on healthcare professions.
  • Healthcare Topics for Assignments: Work on assignments related to healthcare topics.
  • Traditional Study Skills: Improve your academic study skills.
  • Mobile Healthcare Software: Use mobile apps related to healthcare.
  • Skills Lab Tours: Tour the skills lab in the healthcare facility.
  • Conversations with Program Students: Talk with students in various healthcare programs.
  • Professional Attire Guidelines: Learn about the specific attire required for healthcare professionals.
  • Online Resources: Access online resources for students and instructors.
  • Guest Presenters: Hear from guest speakers from each Nursing & Allied Health (NAH) program.
  • Attendance Expectations: Understand the importance of regular attendance.

These resources and activities help students succeed in their healthcare education and careers.

NAH Scholarships

Scholarships are an additional source of financial aid to provide assistance for students who seek to further their education. Please be aware that all scholarships have their own individual deadlines and are awarded on various criteria at the discretion of the donor. Please take advantage of the links provided below in your search for scholarships.

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